Working for Modality Systems has been a blast for the last 18 months and for the last few I was helping to look after internal IT while we recruited for a new IT Manager (Welcome Dan!) PS - we're always on the look out for top talent to join us.
One of the reasons that we are Partner of Year (Communications) is our vibrant dev team who have publically released some brilliant tools over the years such as SuperToast (which I was pushing back in 2012!!), and the Business Applications suite. This is alongside the tons of custom development work that they do for customers (I'd love to blog about this but our Dev MVP Tom Morgan will have beaten me to it!).
Our newest public release is CustomInvite. This is not a post about how good the software is (it is very cool), instead this is about how I deploy versions to staff machines so we can
As yet we are not using System Centre Configuration Manager to deploy software through the Modality estate so I had to go back to good old system startup scripts (advantage - FREE!). Our users have domain joined machines in the main with Direct Access back to the corp network so this method would work for the majority of users. We have a mixed estate of both Office 2013 and 2016 and a mixed "bitness" of Office of both 32 and 64 bit. Most third party addins like CustomInvite are only designed for 32 bit Office but our dev team have made sure 64 bit is treated like a first class citizen too!
First part of the deployment is to get the files into AD. We have 4 files that come from CustomInvite and then another two files that we are going to create manually.
The first two files to deploy are the GroupPolicy Template files that need do be dropped onto a domain controller:
File | Location |
CustomInvite.admx | C:\Windows\SYSVOL\domain\Policies\PolicyDefinitions |
CustomInvite.adml | C:\Windows\SYSVOL\domain\Policies\PolicyDefinitions\en-US |
Now we have these files in AD (wait for replication) its time to setup your policy for your templates. The pre-requisites for this is that you have your RTF templates stored on a UNC share somewhere (or you know where that will be). Now you can create a Group Policy Object like so:
- The name of the default template that CustomInvite should load
- Your license code
- How often CustomInvite should look for new templates in.....
- ......this UNC location
Next part is to create the GPO that installs CustomInvite. I separate this out into a second GPO so that I can have multiple versions of the GPO to target different teams with different installs.
This GPO simply has a Computer Startup Script that does the actual install:
- The script file that will run
- Forcing the PC to wait for the network (otherwise the script may not be found).
Note that the script is a simple batch file and the run time for a PC connected over home broadband is about ~5 seconds:
The contents to the batch file is as follows:
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Installs CustomInvite
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Changelog
REM 20170130 - DLL looked for changed from "Modality.LyncAppointmentAddin.dll" to "Modality.CustomInvite.dll"
REM 20170207 - Added in variable names to make future updates easier
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM How to use
REM Ensure you have the two install files in the same directory as this script file.
REM Install files need to have the name "CustomInvite_Outlookx##_?.??.msi"
REM Where "#" is the bitness of the version file (86 or 64)
REM and ?.?? is the version number.
REM Once you have these then you can amend the variables below
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Variables
Set _CustomInviteVersion=2.20
Set _32BitCustomInviteVersion=2.20.6247.28084
Set _64BitCustomInviteVersion=2.20.6247.28179
Set _OUFolderName={C0B66EA0-1F62-4977-A716-8AAEE5996CF8}
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Seriously - here be dragons!
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SET WMICCommand="WMIC Path CIM_DataFile WHERE Name='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Modality Systems\\CustomInvite\\Modality.CustomInvite.dll' Get Version"
FOR /F "skip=1" %%X IN ('%WMICCommand%') DO (
IF %%X GEQ %_32BitCustomInviteVersion% GOTO :foundCustomInviteX86
SET WMICCommand="WMIC Path CIM_DataFile WHERE Name='C:\\Program Files\\Modality Systems\\CustomInvite\\Modality.CustomInvite.dll' Get Version"
FOR /F "skip=1" %%X IN ('%WMICCommand%') DO (
IF %%X GEQ %_64BitCustomInviteVersion% GOTO :foundCustomInviteX64
echo %date% %time% - WARN - CustomInvite %_CustomInviteVersion% NOT found on %computername% >> \\mk-dc-01\SoftwareDistribution\CustomInvite\log\Install.txt
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Check Registry for Outlook Bitness
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FOR /F "TOKENS=3 SKIP=2" %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration" /v Platform') DO (SET BN_VALUE=%%A)
if %BN_VALUE% EQU x64 goto x64CTR
if %BN_VALUE% EQU x86 goto x86CTR
FOR /F "TOKENS=3 SKIP=2" %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook" /v Bitness') DO (SET BN_VALUE=%%A)
if %BN_VALUE% EQU x64 goto x64Office2016
if %BN_VALUE% EQU x86 goto x86Office2016
FOR /F "TOKENS=3 SKIP=2" %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook" /v Bitness') DO (SET BN_VALUE=%%A)
if %BN_VALUE% EQU x64 goto x64Office2013
if %BN_VALUE% EQU x86 goto x86Office2013
if %BN_VALUE% EQU "?" goto OutlookNotFound
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Log Outlook Bitness
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo %date% %time% - INFO - Office ClickToRun x86 found on %computername% >> \\SERVERNAME\SoftwareDistribution\CustomInvite\log\Install.txt
goto InstallX86
echo %date% %time% - INFO - Office ClickToRun x64 found on %computername% >> \\SERVERNAME\SoftwareDistribution\CustomInvite\log\Install.txt
goto InstallX64
echo %date% %time% - INFO - Office 2016 x86 found on %computername% >> \\SERVERNAME\SoftwareDistribution\CustomInvite\log\Install.txt
goto InstallX86
echo %date% %time% - INFO - Office 2016 x64 found on %computername% >> \\SERVERNAME\SoftwareDistribution\CustomInvite\log\Install.txt
goto InstallX64
echo %date% %time% - INFO - Office 2013 x86 found on %computername% >> \\SERVERNAME\SoftwareDistribution\CustomInvite\log\Install.txt
goto InstallX86
echo %date% %time% - INFO - Office 2013 x64 found on %computername% >> \\SERVERNAME\SoftwareDistribution\CustomInvite\log\Install.txt
goto InstallX64
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Install X86 Version
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Echo %date% %time% - INFO - Attempting install of CustomInvite %_CustomInviteVersion% x86 on %computername% >> \\SERVERNAME\SoftwareDistribution\CustomInvite\log\Install.txt
MD c:\ModalityCustomInvite
CD c:\ModalityCustomInvite
Copy \\DOMAINNAME\SysVol\DOMAINNAME\Policies\%_OUFolderName%\Machine\Scripts\Startup\CustomInvite_Outlookx86_%_CustomInviteVersion%.msi c:\ModalityCustomInvite
MSIEXEC /passive /i CustomInvite_Outlookx86_%_CustomInviteVersion%.msi
del CustomInvite_Outlookx86_%_CustomInviteVersion%.msi
SET WMICCommand="WMIC Path CIM_DataFile WHERE Name='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Modality Systems\\CustomInvite\\Modality.CustomInvite.dll' Get Version"
FOR /F "skip=1" %%X IN ('%WMICCommand%') DO (
IF %%X == %_32BitCustomInviteVersion% GOTO :InstalledCustomInviteX86
Echo %date% %time% - FAIL - CustomInvite %_CustomInviteVersion% x86 Failed to install on %computername% >> \\SERVERNAME\SoftwareDistribution\CustomInvite\log\Install.txt
goto End
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Install X64 Version
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Echo %date% %time% - INFO - Attempting install of CustomInvite %_CustomInviteVersion% x64 on %computername% >> \\SERVERNAME\SoftwareDistribution\CustomInvite\log\Install.txt
MD c:\ModalityCustomInvite
CD c:\ModalityCustomInvite
Copy \\DOMAINNAME\SysVol\DOMAINNAME\Policies\%_OUFolderName%\Machine\Scripts\Startup\CustomInvite_Outlookx64_%_CustomInviteVersion%.msi c:\ModalityCustomInvite
MSIEXEC /passive /i CustomInvite_Outlookx64_%_CustomInviteVersion%.msi
del CustomInvite_Outlookx64_%_CustomInviteVersion%.msi
SET WMICCommand="WMIC Path CIM_DataFile WHERE Name='C:\\Program Files\\Modality Systems\\CustomInvite\\Modality.CustomInvite.dll' Get Version"
FOR /F "skip=1" %%X IN ('%WMICCommand%') DO (
IF %%X == %_64BitCustomInviteVersion% GOTO :InstalledCustomInviteX64
Echo %date% %time% - FAIL - CustomInvite %_CustomInviteVersion% x64 Failed to install on %computername% >> \\SERVERNAME\SoftwareDistribution\CustomInvite\log\Install.txt
goto End
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Found Correct Custom Invite x86 Version
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo %date% %time% - INFO - CustomInvite %_CustomInviteVersion% x86 found on %computername% >> \\SERVERNAME\SoftwareDistribution\CustomInvite\log\Install.txt
goto end
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Found Correct Custom Invite x64 Version
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo %date% %time% - INFO - CustomInvite %_CustomInviteVersion% x64 found on %computername% >> \\SERVERNAME\SoftwareDistribution\CustomInvite\log\Install.txt
goto end
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Installed Correct Custom Invite X86 Version
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo %date% %time% - GOOD - CustomInvite %_CustomInviteVersion% X86 Installed on %computername% >> \\SERVERNAME\SoftwareDistribution\CustomInvite\log\Install.txt
goto end
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Installed Correct Custom Invite X64 Version
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo %date% %time% - GOOD - CustomInvite %_CustomInviteVersion% X64 Installed on %computername% >> \\SERVERNAME\SoftwareDistribution\CustomInvite\log\Install.txt
goto end
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Outlook not found
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo %date% %time% - FAIL - Outlook not found on %computername% >> \\SERVERNAME\SoftwareDistribution\CustomInvite\log\Install.txt
goto end
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Finish
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NOTE: Even thought the script says "SHOULDN'T NEED TO AMEND ANYTHING PAST THIS LINE" you'll need to change "DOMAINNAME" to your domain name and "SERVERNAME" to the server name where the log file is going to be written too.
In essence the script does the following:
- Sets some variables for the version of CustomInvite we are installing
- Checks to see if that version is installed (first 32 then 64 bit) - if found > LOG > END
- Checks the bitness of the installed version of Outlook > LOG (if not found LOG > END)
- Installs (or updates) the correct bitness of CustomInvite and tests if installed > LOG (if install fails LOG > END)
In future when a new version of CustomInvite is released you can simply update this one script file or copy the GPO and create a new version for each install (that's the "Variables" bit in the script!)
A copy of the script file is hosted here too.
Once you have amended the file to fit your environment and downloaded the files you should end up with a Group Policy Object folder that looks like the following:
You'll also need a network share that has READ/WRITE access for the log file to be written too:
Hopefully this is enough to help you get up and running with CustomInvite. If you would like some adhoc support on this process please comment and I'll do my best to reply :-)
ReplyDeleteI was able to deploy a GPO that install the custominvite msi file and customize the installation (licence, path, template name ...).
I'm wondering that for people using their own device (BYOD) we should be able to modify the value directly in the MSI file (using ORCA for example) so that we can give it to the user without ging hime directly the value or asking him to launch a script.
Do you know the name of the parameter in the MSI file ?
Thank you very much for your help.
We are in a testing period and we'll need to deploy the system to thos kind of users.
Kind regards,
Hi Thomas,
DeleteNot done that myself but will reach out to the Dev team and get something published for you.
I'm on a walking holiday so connectivity is limited so will get this for you next week .
Kind regards
Hi Tobie,
ReplyDeleteDid you had a chance to have a look at my request ?
I have still the same issue to deploy the software for:
- people using their own device
- people who can't receive GPO from our domain
Is there a easier way to install the CustomInvite ?
- msi file + transform file, so that users can launch it manually by script
- msi file with parameters
We are decommissioning our old communication software for Skype and I would like that every user to be able to see the custom invite.
Thank you very much for your help.
Hi Thomas,
DeleteWow - I'm so sorry, comment notifications have been going into my junk mail!
Can you email me ( and I'll forward your request onto the product owner.
I'm not aware of anything using ORCA to make a transform file. I'm also not aware of the MSI switches but I'm sure we have them documented somewhere.
Kind regards